As a school with a Christ-centered mission, Christ Methodist Day School believes it is our Biblical obligation to lead our students in modeling all that Jesus has commanded of us. 

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:30-31

Diversity and belonging are an important part of our mission, specifically the pillar of Social Responsibility. We are all one in the body of Christ, created in God’s own image. The Bible also tells us that we each have our own individual talents and abilities that bring strength to the body of Christ. Seeking diversity as a school requires the support and participation of the entire community to create a place in which a wide range of backgrounds, voices and viewpoints enrich the CMDS experience for everyone. As a Christian school, CMDS strives to be a model of Christ’s mission to the world that recognizes the dignity of every person in the unifying and unconditional love of God.

CMDS Definition of Diversity


The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect as we understand that God created each individual as unique, and we recognize and celebrate our individual differences.


CMDS Definition of Belonging


The concept of belonging emphasizes the building of a community in which the dignity of each individual is seen, valued and included in an effort to create meaningful connections and relationships that are sustained over time.


CMDS Definition of Equity

The concept of equity refers to fair and just practices and policies that ensure all of the CMDS community thrives and is successful. Equity is different than equality in that equality implies treating everyone as if their experiences are exactly the same.



Diversity is God's gift and tool given to people that they might know Him better and experience life as He designed it. It is harnessed via a loving community. We look to His Word for the basis and context to define different parameters (G.R.A.A.C.E.) of diversity:

GRAACE graphic with headings.png

Gender: God has designed all men and women in his image, to work, learn and grow together. – Genesis 1:27

Race: All people have the same status and value in the eyes of God. – Genesis 11:1-9, Revelation 7:9

Age: Our experience at different ages and stages of life provides commonality, innovation and wisdom. – Psalm 139:16

Ability: God has given each person talents, skills and gifts to uniquely equip the body of Christ. – Romans 12:3-8, 1 Peter 4:10

Culture: We are enriched by the societal norms and common practices of different groups of people and how those groups view and express life. – Acts 10:34-35

Economic Status: God views us all as equals, regardless of our possessions or resources. – Proverbs 22:2


Helping students, and adults, to respect and celebrate the differences that God has woven into each of us – while simultaneously enjoying the oneness we enjoy as children of God – is one of the greatest ways CMDS can prepare its students to appreciate their Creator, and to live in and to impact this increasingly diverse world.